  • 2024/7/27
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences

Drugs Unit



Dr. Mahsa Fakhr Zareie, Drug Supervision Chairperson

  1. Drug Preparation and distribution over consumer units across the supported area of the university (including all private, public and charity hospitals, health networks, Clinics holding operating room license, Cancer and difficult to treat patients, addiction treatment and rehabilitation clinics), and monitoring appropriate and principled drug use and undertaking related investigations

  2. Outlining and estimating the clinics’ monthly need for drug, addiction treatment and outpatients

  3. Outlining and estimating the office of vice-chancellor for Drug & Food three-month need for drugs based on consumption

  4. Controlling identification and medical documents of outpatients and drug consumers

  5. Continuing education for drug consumer patients regarding the intake amount, how to use and drug poisoning

  6. Arranging the visiting from outpatients who received drugs, follow up and taking necessary actions regarding the reports referred to the medical council concerning hard to treat patients

  7. Checking and sorting drug stores and comparing the Stock inventory with the computer reports and supervision on the performance of drug stockroom

  8. Gathering the monthly reports and delivering them to the office of drug observation

  9. Participating in the Provincial Supervisory Committee of the drug supervision council meetings

  10. Cooperation in the pharmacies’ affairs

  11. ADR Chairperson


Mr. Mohammad Raah Rooh

  1. Issuing invoices for cancer patients

  2. Accepting hard to treat patients

  3. Visiting addiction treatment clinics

  4. Archiving cancer patients files

  5. Education officer

  6. Controlling hospitals and offices prescriptions

  7. Visiting hard to treat patients

  8. Delivering monthly performance reports


Mr. Yousefali Yazdani

  1. In charge of drug stockroom

  2. Controlling and receiving drugs from pharmaceutical companies

  3. Providing and controlling drugs for a period of three-months consumption of the province

  4. Delivering drugs to the MMT centers

  5. Delivering drugs to the cancer patients

  6. Delivering drugs to the university affiliated centers, hospitals and networjs

  7. Submitting the receipts of drug purchase in the system


Ms. Zahra Farkhonde Khah

  1. Gathering the empty bags of drugs from hospitals and addiction treatment clinics

  2. Secretariat and archiving

  3. Cooperation in obliterating the drug empty bags

  4. Responsible for diet and metabolic milk powder system

  5. Distributing subsidized milk powder coupon

  6. Visiting and counting drugs of hospitals

  7. ADR representative


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