  • 2024/7/27
North khorasan University of Medical Sciences



Doctor of Medicine:

Doctor of Medicine includes four stages:

  • Basic Sciences

During this course, students will be familiar with the basic sciences and will be ready for learning clinical sciences.

This course will last 2 years and a half, 92 unites, and at the end, students should take the Comprehensive Medical Basic Sciences Exam and if accepted, will be allowed to entre to the next course.

  • Physiopathology

At this stage of medical education, Passing 28 units, in an analytical way, the students will get familiar with the principles of physiology, mechanism and factors effecting on diseases, symptoms, diagnostic and treatment of the diseases. This course will last 9 month.

  • Internship

At this stage of medical education, the students will learn about the effects and symptoms of diseases in a clinical view and through laboratory works. They will also be skilled in applying thoughts, reasoning, and fast conclusion in designing the prevention action and treatment. This course lasts 21 months and the students will pass 95 units and then take the pre-intern exam. If succeeded, they would enter to the next stage. Each student is allowed to take the exam only three times.

  • Clinical Internship

Enhancing skills, improving the ability to make decisions on health care issues and being responsible are among the most important purposes of this stage. This course lasts 18 months and after passing 74 units and defending their thesis, students will be graduated.

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